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?? New Operating Procedures



The concessions committee is implementing new operating procedures for groups that work in any of the concession stands during the school year.  When your group is scheduled to work concessions we are asking Boosters Rep / Coach to stop in before the group leaves for the evening. This is to insure that the concessions area has been closed properly.  At this time we are also asking for the Booster Rep/Coach to fill out and sign off on a completed checklist form. Blank forms will be located in an envelope on the the back of the main door.  Completed forms are to be returned to the same envelope to be picked up by the concessions manager at a later time.                                                                      

A list of links, videos and PDF files can be found under "files" on the main thread feed of this website. These files will help you and the boosters with proper opening and closing procedures in the concessions area as well help with trouble shooting any operating issues.

(Pricing list, Opening and Closing Instructions, Pretzel Sticks instructions, Pizza Instructions, Cheese machine link and manual, and Popcorn machine manual)